Heritage Seaweed

Heritage Seaweed is our boutique shop in Portland, Maine, specializing in all things seaweed. It's also the home of Cup of Sea, where we blend all of our seaweed teas.

Here's a snapshot of what we carry:

wild-harvested Maine seaweed for cooking, salts, seasoning blends, teas, kelp bars, jerkys, pickles, salsa, fudge, dietary supplements

seaweed-based soaps & body wash, shampoo, lotions, face masks & scrubs, lip & skin balms, bath soaks, tattoo butter, aromatherapy, safety razors & shaving gear

cookbooks, shucking knives & other oyster accoutrements, silicone straws & other sustainable items, field guides, kids' books, fine art

greeting cards, candles, incense, T-shirts, hats, dog toys, sunglasses, games

Please check out our online shop www.heritageseaweed.com. Or come visit us at 61 India Street in Portland, Maine. Our gallery-like retail shop is set in an 1800s livery stables complex. From our windows, you can just see Portland's working waterfront, which is home to several kelp farms. We look forward to meeting you! Call us at 207-613-9744.